A brilliant social media campaign for Brillante

“Brilliant” indeed, since Brillante brand was launching a new product—their white and red quinoa tubs. And here at -ivoro, as soon as we hear the words “new product”, our heart starts racing, and we start working. To support this launch in the digital environment, we relied on a strong contents campaign, working with influencers and materializing our assets in on/off media. Stay with us and witness a brilliant social media campaign!

Brillante endeavors to make things easy for their customers and has launched a collection of several handy new tubs with couscous, macaroni and rice with lime and basil, but the undisputed star of the show is their tub of white and red quinoa. A tub that helps us take care of ourselves and eat healthily and effortlessly in just a minute. So cool! We must convey this, and good! We started ruminating and our Digital and Social Media Team set to work in search of the brilliant formula that would help us spread the word about the launching of this new product.

We wanted everyone to know about the benefits of the new product and, together with the Brillante team, we came up with a content-based campaign supported by influencers in the lifestyle and fitness segments—as well as gluten-intolerants (celiacs), since the product is highly beneficial for them. We asked our influencers to speak about their experience with the product. Their thousands of followers in social networks have earned them a credibility that is liable to have an influence in purchase decisions. According to the outcome of the most recent, 2016 Yearly Social Media Survey, around 85% of users affirm they follow influencers in social networks.

We designed a landing page where the new product was described and we used these bloggers living a healthy life to devise a content plan and make the tub known to the audience. The strategy was complemented with the publishing of a feature in several nationwide printed magazines. The combination of on/off media was grouped under the hashtag #BrillanteQuinoa. You can see all the posts compiled under the tag both in Instagram and Twitter.

Thanks to this approach, we reached our goals in product visibility, brand awareness and social media engagement. By decidedly going for quality content creation, we managed to show the end consumer the full potential of the Quinoa Brillante tubs, helping them discover a product (quinoa) with multiple properties and, what is more, suggesting fresh ideas for consumption. All in all, a truly brilliant campaign that we are mighty proud of, since we have had a part in every step of the process—from campaign creation to the staging of all parts and the implementation of the whole project.